Starting January 9th, 2025 @ The Crow in Santa Monica
Under the umbrella of Storyectomy*, Baby Bumps is a community-driven mental health initiative using the art of storytelling and comedy to bring light, love, and healing to those affected by mental health conditions during their journey to parenthood (e.g. postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD, psychosis, and beyond).
The Crow is partnering with Maternal Mental Health NOW on this innovative and supportive project to give perinatal mental health condition survivors, birth professionals, and family members the space to share and connect.
Participants will be provided with the structure and guidance to tell their stories in a personal and effective way through Nicole Blaine’s teachings as a comedic storyteller.
This FREE* six-week course will culminate with a final storytelling show featuring program participants alongside professional comedians that have also been affected by perinatal mental health conditions.
Classes run from 7-10pm and will be held at The Crow.
Storyectomy* Baby Bumps is brought to you by The Crow and Maternal Mental Health Now.